Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Giveaway Winner is . . .

. . . Louis Dean!

I used Random Number Generator to select the winner, and it churned out number 10, which happened to be Louis.  Now, the funny thing about this is that I've known Louis for a very, very long time.  We went to college together back in the, ahem, 1980's, and have only recently reconnected on facebook.  Back in the day, Louis and I lived in the same dorm, shared many a laugh, ate many a dining-hall meal together, and drank many a cheap beer in many a grungy dorm room together.  He is one of the coolest pals ever, and I know he loves, loves, loves good music, so it seems right that the internet gods selected his number.

Thanks, everyone, for entering the Mary Gauthier giveaway!  I'll be hosting more giveaways this summer, so please keep coming back to visit.


  1. Oh woe is me. Double woe. Your blog somehow fell off my rss list (they do that) just as you were hosting a giveaway, and here I'm reinstated just in time to see the winner. How cruel fate is. I mean, well done Louis.

  2. that is SO awesome!
    i believe the perfect person won ... woot!
    warm congrats louis ... cheers from me to you with one of those cheap beers ... er, could we make that a guinness? :)
    i am still going to get me some of my own mary gauthier recordings ...
    thanks again, miss gigi for bringing her to light for me!

  3. Congrats!
    One beautiful photograph from you Gigi!
    I wonder where those balloons landed at the end of the day~
    Greetings fm Singapore*

  4. Gotta love a good college pal. I also went to college in the dreaded '80s, and not afraid to say so ;)

  5. Hurrah for Louis. I think that it's great that he won. A worthy winner, Gigi....although, I fear for Mise. I think that she might start to go into a deep depression, as it's another giveaway that she hasn't won !!!! XXXX

  6. Yea for Louis! And for reconnecting with old friends.


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