I have always had a crush on Louise Brooks--her perfect bob, that porcelain skin, those gorgeous cloches. How can I help it? My photograph of her in a black tutu and satin heels ALWAYS stays on the inspiration board above my desk. But tonight, as I stared dreamily at Miss Louise while I was supposed to be writing, I got to thinking about other style crushes. Whose style do I adore and why? I can think of many friends whose own brand of personal style amazes me, and I'll have to gather up photos to post at some point, but in the meantime, I've rounded up a few famous folks whose way of dressing, smiling, talking, moving, and/or simply being in the world has always fascinated me. I'd love to hear from other people on this subject. Who are your style crushes? There's one person I would have included here for sure, but I know that Cate loves her, too, so I thought I'd wait!

Nina Simone--goes without saying

Yes, I have always loved Morrissey's style. Still do. Skinny, not skinny; young, not so young. I don't care. When I first met my husband, he looked so, so, so much like this photograph that it kills me. Now, nineteen years later, Todd possesses even more style than he did then. I think age has something to do with this--maybe it gives one more comfort in one's own skin.

Harry Belafonte--OMG!

Anne Sexton had no idea how amazing she was. Her letters and poems make me want her right back here in the world. She was decidedly not comfortable in her own skin, yet she had a kind of deep intelligence and wit that made her shine. If true style is dependent on substance, and I think it is, she embodied style.

Gregory Peck: no one wore a fedora better. Or anything else, for that matter.

Joe Strummer was my style hero all through high school and college. Actually, he was my music hero, too. He's another person I want right back here in this world.

Bonnie and Clyde--dangerous and stylish.
They were sharp dressers, and Bonnie always wore gorgeous shoes.